ZArchiver Pro v0.8.4 cracked by
ZArchiver -. It is a program for file management. It has a simple and functional interface
ZArchiver allows:
- Create the following file types :. 7z (7zip), zip, bzip2 (.bz2), gzip (gz), XZ, tar;
- decompressing the following file types: 7z (7zip), zip, rar, rar5, bzip2, gzip, XZ, iso, tar, arj, cab, LZH, LHA, lzma, xar, tgz, TBZ, Z, deb, rpm, Zipx, MTZ, chm, dmg, cpio, cramfs, img (fat, NTFS, UBF), Wim, ecm, arc (FreeArc);
- File Content Display: 7z (7zip), zip, rar, rar5, bzip2, gzip, XZ, iso, tar, arj, cab, LZH, LHA, lzma, xar, tgz, tbz, Z, deb , rpm, Zipx, MTZ, chm, dmg, cpio, cramfs, img (fat, ntfs, UBF), Wim, ecm, arc (FreeArc);
- Create and decompress files protected by password;
- Edit files: add / remove / files to the file (zip, 7zip, tar, APK, MTZ);
- Create and decompress multiple files parts: 7z, RAR (decompress only);
- partial decompression of the file;
- open compressed files;
- Open a file from e-mail applications;
- Extract files parcelling: 7z, zip and rar (7z.001, zip.001, part1.rar, z01);
Key Features:
- Support multithreading (useful for multicore processors);
- UTF-8 / UTF-16 support in filenames. It allows you to use national symbols in file names;
- No activation need for multiple selection mode. You can select files by clicking the icon to the left of the file name;
Benefits of Pro version
Support for external memory and MicroSD
Dark and light themes;
password storage;
Viewing images in files;
modifying the archive files (archiver, after returning to the application checks the modified open files directly from the archive and offers to update them in the file).
Download [ Google Play ]
ZArchiver Pro v0.8.4 (Test39) Cracked APK | Mirror 1 | Mirror 2